Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ramblings of an Obsessive Compulsive Writer~

Just an update for the peeps who might be interested in my writing journey.  I had hoped to report something new on the writing front by now - a new sale or a new agent - alas, no dice yet But!

I am completeing the final, final round of edits on Vessel this month and getting ready for it's release in May. The publisher Month9Books just announced an opportunity for book review bloggers to obtain early copies in exchange for honest reviews. If you're one of those bloggers and you want to read Vessel, go here!

If you're not a book review blogger, I guess you'll have to wait a little longer, but you can still put Vessel on your Goodreads list and tell all your friends to do the same. :)
In the meantime, I'll be finishing edits on two more manuscripts and continuing the search for their forever homes with the right publisher(s) over the next few months. I've enjoyed writing them simultaneously, even though they're very different from each other. One is Crawdad, a contemporary, multicultural story similar to Hush Puppy, while the other is a fantasy/adventure steam punk similar in some ways to my Storyteller series. If only writing them was a easy as making Pinterest boards for them. Whew!  Lots to do!
Happy Reading Peeps!

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